Thursday, July 21, 2011

Upcoming Video and 5v5 vs 3v3 talk

I have all of the game play footage I need in order to start putting together my video about the champion Nasus in 3v3 and 5v5 matches. It's taken a lot longer because I've been so busy reading the Game of Thrones series, though. A lot of the people on my League of Legends friends list don't really know the difference between 3v3 and 5v5 game play, so I thought I would discuss it here. 3v3 and 5v5 games have a different style of play and speed. The towers in 3v3 fire slower and have less damage than those in 5v5 making it possible to tower dive at a much lower level. Minion farming is more crucial and you need to be good at it because there's less time to farm them. Your items also should be cheaper than those in 5v5 matches for the same reason. Ganking with three in the bottom is also more prevalent in 3v3. You have to get out of the spawn with your items as fast as possible if you want the advantage over the enemy team in a beginning game gank. In conclusion, 3v3 games can be just as much fun as 5v5, but don't expect to go from beasting in 5v5 to doing well in 3v3 if you don't adapt to the different game play.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Captain Teemo reporting for duty

Hey guys im working on compiling some tips and video footage together for a long and detailed post . But for now here is a sketch my brother did of Captain Teemo. He is going to color it in but hasn't decided how. If you would like to see more let me know in the comments.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why league of legends is a great game to play.

The number one reason league of legends is an  awesome game is that it is completely free to play. If you don't want to pay you don't have to and there's no risk of buying a game that you dont particularly like. Then when you finally realize how much you like the game you can then go ahead and support the company with any amount you can afford. secondly is the game itself is D.O.T.A. clone but what the game adds makes it a great experience that can be really fun. The game can be kinda hard to learn though and it really helps to have friends that can help you learn. If you don't know any else who play though you can always watch videos and look up guides on how to build certain champions . Third and last of all is  that the game is run by an independent developer and not some big company like E.A. or Activsion.
if you want to check out the game just click on my referral link  and start having fun .

Saturday, July 16, 2011

this gives lots of good general advice for league of legends and is also from an interesting channel

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Leona the Radiant Dawn

Leona was finally released  5 days after she was supposed to be released.
I have played a couple games with her on my team or the other team. So far i don't believe that she is overpowered. Her shield can be countered by just running or flashing out of range out of its range. her passive requires another allied champion to activate so avoid other champs if you have been hit by her abilities.. as long as your not in the center of her ultimate you can avoid her the stun. For her q move zenith blade don't stand directly behind some one and you become less of a target and are safer. In general you need to remain aware of your surroundings and always check your mini map, but that goes for playing against any champion. Though Leona could be OP with nobody knowing how to build her yet, other than as a tank

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First post

This blog is for league of legends and other stuff I am interested in. i hope you will follow and enjoy my future posts